The current version of the Þ spec is about to be deprecated. Learn more about v0.3, arriving 28th February 2023.Learn more


Create a list and (re-)arrange it in a random order

By @hashβ€’V0.1.2
This block was written for an earlier version of the Block Protocol specification and cannot currently be displayed in the Hub.

The Shuffle Block allows us to create a list of 'Things' and shuffle them into a random order.

Programmatic Usage

It accepts the following property (view the Shuffle Block entity type to see it in context)

Option one: a textual content item

  "": "1",
  "": "abc"

Option two: a representation of another entity

  "": "1",
  "": "abc"

When using the latter, there must be a link entity of entity type Has Representative Shuffle Block Item pointing to an entity to represent. The Graph module's parseLabelFromEntity will be used to render it.

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